Monday 7 September 2009

Furniture Hire or Furniture Lease?

At Panther House we offer office furniture hire and office furniture leasing. Although the services may sound familiar, they are quite different.

Office Furniture Hire
You would typically hire furniture on a short to medium term basis. For example, a day, a week or a month.

The furniture you hire will be hire stock, and therefore it will be used.  You will have the choice of what is available in stock at the time.

Lease Office Furniture
When you choose to lease office furniture, you are quoted for brand new office furniture.  Subject to your available budget you can specify the design, colour, finish etc.  

The lease will typically run over 3 to 5 years, and at the end of the term you pay a final, life time rental fee an the furniture is yours to keep.

For a quote on office furniture hire, go to
For a quote on office furniture leasing, go to